Scenic Cyprus coastline with crystal-clear blue water, sandy beach, and Mediterranean vegetation, perfect for rehabilitation

Rehab in Cyprus

Scenic Cyprus coastline with crystal-clear blue water, sandy beach, and Mediterranean vegetation, perfect for rehabilitation

Rehab centres in Cyprus are among some of the best in the world. Combining expert treatment and hospitality, 

These facilities offer a range of services and therapies that have been proven effective in helping individuals overcome their addictions and achieve long-term sobriety.

One of the advantages of seeking treatment in Limassol, Cyprus, is the cost. Treatment in Cyprus may be more affordable than in other countries, making it a more accessible option for those needing help. 

Additionally, the physical and emotional distance from your troubles can be beneficial in allowing you to focus solely on your recovery without distractions.

Why Choose Cyprus for Rehab

The rehab in Cyprus is a very special location. There are some advantages to staying in rehab in southern Europe that are fairly standard and apply to our rehab in Spain as well. 

  • Comfortable hotel-like accommodation
  • Small centre personalised service
  • Health and fitness facilities 
  • Privacy & personal space

Cyprus is unique in that it is very family-focused and allows spouses and loved ones to stay in the rehab to support you during your recovery. 

How We Can Help

At Rehab Guide, our main objective is to help you find a reputable rehabilitation facility in Cyprus that is effective and secure. 

Our team of professionals has a wealth of experience in addiction treatment and is dedicated to connecting you with top-quality care that will aid in your recovery journey and equip you with the necessary skills to stay sober.

Get in touch with our team to discuss the following regarding rehab in Cyprus:

Program length: In Cyprus, there are options for extended rehabilitation stays. You can also select from a shorter program or a more detailed treatment plan to support your recovery process.

Care standards: Count on us to help you locate a suitable rehab center in Cyprus that provides detox services and personalised therapy, guaranteeing excellent care.

Addictions Treated

The rehab clinics in Cyprus offer treatment for different types of addictions, such as:

Diverse group of smiling women engaged in a supportive therapy session, illustrating the inclusive and positive environment of rehab programs in Cyprus

The Rehabilitation Program in Cyprus

Typically, rehabilitation programs in Cyprus last for about four weeks and include a combination of medical and therapeutic treatments to support lasting recovery. 

If you are facing challenges with addiction, we can help arrange a monitored detox and comprehensive rehabilitation program in Cyprus. 

At Rehab Guide, we guarantee that all facilities in Cyprus utilize proven methods and offer appropriate medications to aid in the elimination of addictive substances from your system.

Overcoming addiction can be difficult without medical assistance to help manage withdrawal symptoms. 

Our facilities offer approved detox medication to ensure your safety and provide the essential support needed for you to focus on your recovery.

Supervised Detox

In order to beat substance addiction, it is essential to go through detox with the assistance of experienced medical professionals.

Rehab Guide only recommends accredited rehab centres in Cyprus approved by the Department of Medical and Public Health Services under the Ministry of Health, the UK equivalent of the Care Quality Commission (CQC), to ensure your safety.

Every rehab facility has a committed group of medical professionals ready to assist and encourage your journey to recovery from addiction. You can trust them to offer necessary support and care in case you need help.

Therapy in Cyprus Rehab

After finishing the detox, we will start addressing your addiction through the following steps:

  • Initiate individual therapy sessions focused on exploring your addiction.
  • Acquire the skills necessary to sustain sobriety post-rehab.
  • Master the strategies to avoid falling back into old habits.

Rehabilitation centres in Cyprus offer neuro-linguistic programming to enhance self-confidence and self-awareness, as well as to address negative thought patterns. 

Additionally, they provide cognitive behavioural therapy, 12-step programs, and hypnotherapy sessions. 

Therapy is conducted on a daily basis, both in individual and group settings. 

For more information on the programs available in Cyprus, please reach out to our addiction support team.

Relaxation and Recreation

The relaxing and energising climate of Limassol can also provide a boost to your recovery. 

The warm weather, beautiful scenery, and serene atmosphere can help to reduce stress and promote a sense of well-being, aiding in your journey towards sobriety.

The amenities in Cyprus are focused on promoting relaxation and offering a variety of activities customized for each guest.

These activities promote social interaction and personal growth, whether inside or outside. 

The therapy amenities in Cyprus offer services such as:

  • Private rooms: Enjoy the luxury of a private room with a personal bathroom.
  • Space for activities: Take advantage of the gym, pool, and dedicated spaces for yoga and light aerobic exercises.
  • Health guidance: Your therapist will create a diet and workout plan to aid in your recovery.
  • Communal space: The communal area is perfect for unwinding and socializing with other visitors.

Resting and recuperating are crucial for maintaining good mental health, as it provides an opportunity for introspection and self-assessment.

What better way to do this than to relax in the heat of Cyprus, away from the hustle and bustle of your everyday life, tucked away from any temptation and distraction? 

Do I Need Rehab?

If you have noticed any of these indicators, you might be in need of addiction therapy.

  • You find it hard to manage your intake of substances.
  • You experience strong urges to use drugs or alcohol.
  • You undergo withdrawal effects when abstaining from substances.
  • You persist in substance abuse despite adverse effects on your life.
  • Each attempt to quit using drugs or alcohol results in a return to old habits.

Conquering substance abuse can be challenging and may lead to severe withdrawal symptoms, which can differ from person to person. 

Typical signs may include seizures, hallucinations, and confusion. 

The centres in Cyprus offer treatment choices that include medications to aid in detox and ease withdrawal effects. To learn more about what rehab is, click here.

Start Recovery Today

If you are struggling with addiction, please reach out to us through phone, email, or live chat. 

Our team can guide you towards rehabilitation options in Cyprus that offer practical and successful solutions for you or your loved one. 

We are here to assist you in finding a rehab program in Cyprus to begin your journey towards recovery.