Elegant yellow manor house surrounded by manicured grounds and trees, ideal for peaceful addiction recovery

Psychosocial Rehabilitation

 Psychosocial Rehabilitation is a residential treatment program that offers respite for those struggling but who don’t want to attend a psychiatric clinic.

Despite the challenges those with mental health issues face, with proper treatment and support, overcoming these hurdles and finding recovery is possible.

Here, we detail the types of mental health illnesses that are treated in our rehab centres, the four steps to overcoming a mental health illness, and what mental health rehab entails. We will also explore the connection between mental health and addiction and why it is so important to treat both at the same time.

 Psychosocial Rehabilitation Hospitals Near You

Elegant yellow manor house surrounded by manicured grounds and trees, ideal for peaceful addiction recovery

Depending on whether you want to be close to home or get away from the strains and stressors in your life, you will have a variety of mental health rehabs to choose from. The private hospitals we work with will offer a safe space to explore your mental health and build your confidence and self-esteem so you can return home better equipped mentally. We work with mental health rehabs across the UK, but the main centres we work with are in London, Edinburgh, Surrey, Runcorn, Northwich and Cardiff. These are specialised residential rehabs for people with a range of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, addiction and stress.

Illnesses Treated By Mental Health Rehab

According to Public Health Scotland, as many as 1 in 4 people experience a mental health problem at some point in their lifetime. These statistics are echoed all over the UK, showing that mental health illnesses are not purely a geographical problem.

Something to consider is that treatment for mental health illness is often not a linear process. It can take many months, if not years, before a satisfactory outcome is achieved in the community. Thankfully, there is a far more effective and quicker route to achieving better mental health. Private inpatient rehab offers some of the best mental health treatments available.

Common We Conditions Treat:

  • Addiction (alcohol, substances and process addictions)
  • Burnout (a state of complete mental and physical exhaustion)
  • Depression
  • Anxiety disorders (such as generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobias and social anxiety disorder)
  • Eating Disorders
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Borderline personality disorder (PBD)

These are just a few examples of mental health conditions that can be effectively treated in a rehab setting. If you are unsure if we are able to help you or a loved one overcome a mental health disorder, please call us to discuss your individual circumstances.

Our  Psychosocial Rehabilitation facilities provide comprehensive treatment for a wide range of illnesses. As a patient of a mental health treatment centre, you will benefit from an immersive experience whilst receiving intensive treatment for any dual-diagnosed illnesses.

mental health rehab garden grounds

Mental Health and Addiction

It is important to recognise there is a strong link between mental health issues and addiction. Many people who struggle with mental health illnesses turn to substances as a way to self-medicate their symptoms. This can lead to a dangerous cycle of substance abuse and a worsening of both conditions.

The vast majority of people who suffer from addiction start off using substances during their teenage years. Statistics show as many as 50% of mental health illnesses begin by the age of 14, with 3/4 of mental health illnesses developing by the age of 24. This shows a clear connection between addiction and mental health, as most people who develop addiction start using substances in their youth.

Of course, there is the question of which came first, and in many cases of substance use, mental health illness is the driver. In instances such as this, once substance use has stopped, a mental health condition is likely to improve. However, it often still remains very much a problem. This invariably leads to relapse.

Treating Mental Health And Addiction Simultaneously

Ideally, addiction and mental health issues should be treated simultaneously. By comprehensively treating both conditions at the same time, the risk of returning to substance use is drastically reduced. Unfortunately, with no facility to do this, the NHS currently treats the two separately. There is good reason for this, however.

Before a person can benefit from medication and mental health treatment/therapy, problematic substances need to be removed from the equation. In the community, this can prove almost impossible, where drugs or alcohol are used to cope with distressing mental health symptoms.

Substance use and mental health illness can make a person lead a chaotic lifestyle. Subsequently, they can miss appointments and struggle to engage with services. The stress of trying to give up an addictive substance can also temporarily worsen a mental health condition. There are many complications that can arise when a person is trying to access treatment for both their mental well-being and addiction.

Our mental health rehab centres understand the intricate relationship between mental health and addiction. They employ specialised treatment approaches that address both aspects comprehensively. By treating the underlying mental health condition and addiction simultaneously, there is a much-improved chance of achieving lasting recovery.

NHS Mental Health Services & Rehab

The NHS does not have rehab facilities. Hospitals can facilitate inpatient care, but only for medical treatment. Psychiatric units mostly detain patients that are sectioned under the mental health act and occasionally admit patients on a voluntary basis. Even then, the environment is extremely clinical. This is something that many people naturally struggle with.

Occasionally, government funding can be secured for treatment within a rehab facility, although this is much rarer than it used to be.

In the community, the NHS treats mental health with a combination of medication and therapy. However, the waiting lists are very long. NHS patients often have to wait many months to be seen by a psychiatrist or counsellor. In instances of more specialised treatments, such as trauma therapy, the waiting time can be over a year.

The NHS first treat a patient with mental health problems by stabilising their condition. This is usually achieved through medication and additional mental health support.

Once a person is stable enough to engage in therapy, the usual structure is weekly or bi-weekly appointments with an NHS therapist. Intensive support is only offered if a person is in a crisis and deemed to be a risk to themselves or to others.

Perhaps you can begin to understand why so many people struggle with their mental health long term.

Personalised and Professional Treatment

Residential mental health rehab offers an ideal setting for anyone who is struggling with day-to-day life. Not only are you provided with an environment that is calm, structured and compassionate, but you will have therapies delivered by a team of professionals.

As one of our patients, you will receive a comprehensive doctor assessment. Following this, a treatment and rehabilitation plan is put in place to ensure your physical, emotional and psychological treatment needs are met.

Our Treatments Are Delivered By:

  • Doctors
  • Psychiatrists
  • Nurses
  • Counsellors
  • Therapists

In addition to receiving daily professional input, support workers are available around the clock to ensure you feel safe and comfortable at all times. Suffering from addiction and a mental health illness can be very distressing. All of our mental health rehabs provide a warm and friendly environment to help put you at ease.

The 4 Steps to Overcoming a Mental Health Illness

Recovering from a mental health illness involves a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. While everyone’s experience is unique, there are four general steps that offer a pathway to recovery:

  1. Recognising: The first step towards overcoming a mental health illness is recognising that there is an issue. This may involve acknowledging symptoms such as persistent sadness, excessive worry, mood swings, or difficulty functioning in daily life.
  2. Seeking Help: Once you have recognised you have a problem, it is crucial to reach out for professional help. This may involve consulting with a mental health therapist, psychiatrist or rehab who can provide an accurate diagnosis and an individualised treatment plan.
  3. Treatment: Treatment for mental health illnesses can vary depending on the condition and your individual needs. It may include a combination of therapy (such as cognitive-behavioural therapy, psychotherapy or dialectical behaviour therapy), medication, support groups, and lifestyle changes.
  4. Relapse Prevention: Recovery is an ongoing process that requires consistent effort and self-care. Engaging in healthy coping mechanisms, maintaining a strong support system, and regularly attending therapy sessions can help to prevent relapses and sustain your mental well-being.

If you choose to undergo treatment at one of our CQC-registered mental health rehab centres, you will be assessed by a psychiatrist who can provide medications and make recommendations for your treatment plan. Daily treatment will then be delivered by counsellors and professionals who will work with you to heal you as a whole person.

Following the completion of residential treatment, you will receive a personalised care plan to help you maintain your recovery back in the community.

What Mental Health Rehab Does

Mental health rehab centres provide a structured environment where you or your loved one can receive intensive treatment. These facilities offer various therapeutic modalities, including counselling, group therapy and psychoeducational. Holistic approaches like art therapy, yoga or mindfulness practices complement your treatment.

In addition to therapy sessions, our mental health rehab programmes also incorporate other components. These include psychiatric evaluations, medication management, relapse prevention and aftercare planning. The goal of mental health rehab is to provide you with the tools to manage your symptoms effectively and lead a fulfilling life.

The Benefits Of Mental Health Rehab Include:

  • Medications and vitamins to assist in substance detox and stabilise your mental health condition
  • 24/7 monitoring and support delivered by qualified healthcare professionals
  • An individualised treatment plan that is immersive and intensive
  • A family programme to help your family understand the nature of your condition and how to best support you in the community
  • Free aftercare sessions on completion of your treatment programme
  • Respite periods and enjoyable activities to help you relax and unwind
  • Holistic wellness programme including activities such as gym, yoga, nutrition, mindfulness, meditation and art

Mental health rehab provides a blend of traditional and cutting-edge holistic therapies to keep your treatment engaging, enjoyable and effective.

One of the main benefits of undergoing treatment in residential rehab is the intensive level of treatment that is delivered. What can take many months and even years to accomplish in the community can often be achieved in a few months of rehabilitation at a mental health rehab.

Once your treatment finishes, we will make sure you have access to all the sources of support you need. Regular aftercare sessions will help you to continue to thrive back home.

How Long Does Mental Health Rehab Take?

How long you will need to stay in a mental health rehab depends on your circumstances. Many people who need rest and treatment will feel much better with a month of intensive treatment. Others, who need a substance detox, can take longer.

Learning how to adopt new coping strategies and transforming the way you think and behave takes time. There is no quick fix when it comes to your mental health.

Our approach is to heal the whole person. This means that our rehabs deliver treatments that are mental, physical, environmental and social in nature. Whilst in treatment, you will have access to some of the best counsellors and therapists in the country. All of whom are dedicated to your long-term healing and recovery.

To find out more about the cost and duration of mental health rehab, call us for a free assessment.

mental health rehab room

Choosing a Mental Health Rehab Centre

Detox Plus UK work closely with mental health hospital locations all over Scotland, Wales and England. The Priory is famous for its treatment of mental health patients and those suffering from addiction but can be very expensive due to its celebrity.

We work with a number of mental health rehab centres throughout the UK to offer affordable and high-quality inpatient care for those with mental health issues. These hospitals offer self-funded and a small number of NHS patients. Most people pay for mental health rehab privately or through their health insurance.

For many people looking for private healthcare, The Priory cost may exceed the budget. Where this is the case, we have many other exemplary mental health rehabs to choose from.

What to Expect From Inpatient Treatment For Mental Health

Committing to an inpatient programme for mental health treatment is a big step and one that will pay dividends.

Depending on where you go, facilities and treatments can vary. However, all of our mental health clinics offer clean and comfortable surroundings and offer treatment by a team of multidisciplinary healthcare professionals.

We will do everything we can to match your specific treatment needs, preferences, location and budget to the best rehabilitation programme for you. We will also take care of the booking and admission process so that you don’t have to worry. Our advisors are experts in mental health and addiction and will offer you compassion and reassurance from the start.

All of our assessments and admissions are confidential and carried out with diligence and care.

Finding Hope And Recovery

While overcoming a mental health illness may seem daunting and, at times, impossible, it is important to remember that recovery is possible. Mental health rehab provides the necessary support system, resources, and evidence-based treatments needed for you to regain control of your life.

If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health and co-occurring addiction issues, reaching out for help is the first step. Remember, you are not alone, and there is hope for recovery.