alcohol addiction Archives - Detox Plus Rehab Clinics UK
Troubled man leaning on counter, looking pensively at glass of alcohol, considering addiction treatment

Helping a High-Functioning Alcoholic

If you know someone you suspect is a functioning alcoholic, it can be challenging to know when and how to help them.  Likewise, if you are a heavy drinker who can still work and tend to responsibilities, you may wonder....
Silhouette of a human head filled with various drugs, alcohol, and paraphernalia, with a wind-up key in the back, symbolizing addiction's control over the mind

What is Cross Addiction?

The First Step to Recovery - Admission Before we can address any problem, we must, of course, admit that there is a problem. One of the oldest and most established forms of addiction treatment, the 12-step model, invariably has as....

Treatment for Elderly Alcoholics

Our senior years are often considered a time of rest and reconciliation. It is our golden years when we earn our well-deserved retirement. This is very true for many of us. However, another side of being a senior citizen is....

Sobriety Motivation

Concerned woman holding glass of red wine, looking pensive in home setting, possible signs of alcohol dependency

What are the Causes of Alcoholism?

Alcoholism is also known as alcohol addiction, alcohol misuse or alcohol dependence. It is described as a physical compulsion and a mental obsession to consume alcohol. Alcoholism is defined as excessive consumption of alcohol resulting in significant negative impacts on....

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