dual diagnosis treatment Archives - Detox Plus Rehab Clinics UK
The word 'HELP' spelled out with white powder on a dark surface, illustrating the cry for assistance often associated with cocaine addiction

How to Beat Cocaine Addiction: Effective Strategies

Cocaine addiction is a formidable adversary, affecting millions worldwide and disrupting lives in profound ways. This article explores effective strategies around how to beat cocaine addiction, recognising that the journey to recovery is often challenging but ultimately achievable. We’ll explore....
Woman in sweater gesturing while speaking to therapist during rehabilitation counseling session

What is Rehab?

Rehab, short for rehabilitation, is commonly used to describe a facility or program designed to help you recover from drug or alcohol addiction. Rehab can also help with addiction's co-occurring illnesses such as PTSD, burnout, depression and anxiety. These illnesses....
Person in blue shirt holding a glass of alcohol next to an open notebook, depicting work-related stress and alcohol use

Is alcohol putting you in the mood?

For many people, alcohol is a quick and easy way to relax and unwind after a stressful day at work or after a hectic day looking after the kids. A few beers or glasses of wine can help to alleviate....
Panoramic view of Cheshire's lush green fields, stone walls, and rolling hills under a dramatic sky with fluffy clouds, offering a peaceful environment for addiction rehabilitation

Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Cheshire

About the Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Cheshire A perfect blend of privacy and a lively, friendly atmosphere, the drug & alcohol rehab in Cheshire is warmly spoken of by former residents for its ‘feel-good’ factor and excellent staff. The....
Close-up of a woman resting her head on a table next to a glass of whiskey, depicting alcohol abuse

Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction is a complex illness that affects the brain. It can be challenging to recognise within oneself or others. Excessive alcohol consumption can have detrimental effects on both mental and physical health. It is crucial to understand what alcohol....

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